Harmony between Ancient Indian society and Nature
21st Nov 2016 Sachin Ancient Indian society had a deep and intricate relationship with nature, which was reflected in various aspects of...

Peace and value education
Dr Jaminon talked about simple techniques that one can follow to get children and parents to listen actively. How simple exercises of cooper

Hindu Traditions, Religion and Scientific temper, countering Left Lib narrative!
The overall euphoria over the success of the Mangalyaan mission (Indian Mars Mission) and certain ignorant tweets and comments jolted me...

Folic acid ki jai ho!
Confused? Did the title surprise you? I am sure it did. Let me explain. Folic acid is an important nutrient that the body requires in...
Moving to Belgium, the case of the trailing spouse
Moving to another country, away from one’s own is a big leap of faith. Higher education, employment opportunities, entrepreneurship...
Men are from mars, Women are from venus
A session by Dr. Prishnee Datta Men, women and their relationships always create a great deal of curiosity and so when I read the title...

Access consciousness
Access Consciousness is a therapeutic healing method. Founded and developed by Gary Douglas and the co-founder is Dr.Dain Heer. Access...

Keys for survival in Belgium – Culture & job
A session by Sehul Shah As an immigrant Belgium it is important to understand and respect the differences in culture and beliefs of the...

Teachers day- a tribute to Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
(Photo source: wikipedia) September 5th is celebrated in India as "Teacher's day". I remember in the school we used to go to our...

'Good touch and bad touch' session by Titoo Khambayate on 5th June 2016 Be it a boy or a girl; be it in India or Europe or rest of the...